I gargouille
“ On this stone I will build my church, and the gates of the underworld will not prevail against it." In the ancient texts it is relevant the thought that by placing the monsters above the roofs of the churches, they would remain outside the sacred places. This is one of the many stories that are found doing a research on why the doccioni with monster faces were made “ Other sources attribute the use of gons to a legend related to the life of St. Roman, bishop of Rouen. According to legend, St. Roman managed to subdue a dragon – called Gargouille, “throat” – simply by showing him the cross. The saint tied a rope around the dragon's neck and took him to the city center, where the beast was killed and burned. The monster's head and neck, however, were not consumed by the flames, and so St. Roman decided to place them on one of the walls of the cathedral as a warning: evil is lurking, and can only be conquered with the cross. Obviously it's just a legend. by https://it....
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